
Miss ~ K ... ~ de dont blow me cover Mum

the best thing foraring fingers around the city find your own body

this and those Inside the Box along the Line

'nd here they are yacking about tongues cities and whatnot & meantime me Mum an I we gone unnergrunnn. ... ya know? like I always sez its at the pub tings 'appen 'arry

Cities by Baudrillard Daddy didnt (it seems) like Brother B au drill Ar d

Secret language
To be a foreigner, but in one's own tongue, not only when speaking a language other than one's own. To be bilingual, multilingual, but in one and the same language, without even dialect or patois. To be a bastard, a half-breed, but through a purification of race. That is when style becomes a language. That is when language becomes intensive, a pure continuum of values and intensities. That is when language becomes secret, yet has nothing to hide, as opposed to when one carves out a secret subsystem within language.

One attains this result only by sobriety, creative subtraction.
-- jilles Deleuze franny Guattari

Jill'ssssssssssss on the radio bastardizing her face. her case's gerunds un genders ~