
the usual insanity

dont wear a poppy______
its the usual inSanity with Clifford duffy Big ego no brains no substance, a pure schizoid one, InsanIty nuts, a trial by error, deductive logic at its level worst, a farce in the making a repetitious sorehead, a weak link in the chain of deterritorialization

_________________________yesterday he complaind of hunger all day.
tonight hes crazy as a lapdog. a Lap top! a lap dancer, hes a lamb dancer. a machine.
On statge last night he said, and here are his very words:

Ladies and Gentlemen Let me Introduce

___________________In the other room hidden from the alcove, an idiot barked on. A security walked in and out of the room taking off her clothes wishing him a goodnight. They did I repeat make love,not once. H e was shitting bricks. the guy in the other room.

Mister Duffy meantime stands on stage with nothing on the new
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Come see Mister Duffy with No clothes and you too can find your stage hand a dog for delight. a ruin for fright


_____________________________________________the insecurity guardian said
have a goodnight