What is meant by the energetic arts? Is poetry then not an energetic art? and if not how does one define an 'energetic art?'
Re flow of music and poetry _ now this comment is itself worth hours and volumes of discussion .
One question
that comes to mind right off:________(and by the way)_To me this is all positive:
Does not poetry work through time? Of course poetry works through time and literally s ploughs through and with it and In it---
(simile itself is a form of time making
one stretches the instance of an analogy out
and around bending its shape
As in the beats that are counted and counting __
the stresses, the rhythms, the cadence,
all work thru time__
in prose poetry one counts numerous variables__ almost
infinite particles ____ _ the shade the pressure of one
sentence 'leaning' against another_________
S-O what then
are the differences? between how
Good question[s] to consider
(the most obvious example of words working in
time is song
where words and music in tandem play in 'time')
(one sings in key in 'time'
in the 'right beat')
(Song is energetiC! Intense! Bold! Brave
and Filled with Time and Feeling the
"oh ... the feeling of time when I'm with you ..."
"seems to vanish...."
(to invent
their combinations
(there are already many practices
that demonstrate this)
These are question/problems
that James Joyce
was working
especially in Finnegans Wake
(time and the consecutive
the march of words?)
(naturally Joyce worked on these matters
in Ulysses esp. in the Nighttown episode
the language strains and glitters to the pitch
of music)
(examples abound in that book)
Finnegans Wake ___
(the simultaneity
of puns and permutations
e.g. the one hundred lettered word
that punctuates the four
of the books at the Wake)
______ time and the question of time
and language
__ Apparently
Some might construe that because language
works consecutively
words 'follow' one
another and don't cross
over each other the way notes do
(but indeed this 'following'
is a flowing
akin exactly 'to' the movement
of music )
some suggest that this is not really working
with time
but with 'mental' time ____
or words are not 'played' the way chords
as 'jams' of sound
clusters clutters
____ However
do not words
work across their connotations
and denotative strengths
analogously to
notes in music that cross over each other?
swinging back and forth
__ or the sequence of chords
repeating and refraining
is this not what the ballad
form does?
to mention a simple and tried
form of the song/poem
it does then
work with time
the similar figures as does music
(in fact language is music)
these are just a few jottings to
think about
and write about
at 'another' 'time'