

the radio is off.
its on off on off

those that take it so seriously die young. No, the microphone is off , the study is quiet in this snug apartment studio. She was here, I breath the air of her freedom and, her body. The dials are caught up between the desire of yesterday, and today which marches in tomorrow.Bandwidth, width of height and depth the desire machines. I am her, her body mine is his. I, his, his body, hers.

Lyricism tires me and the endless I me me, of the subje ct me. It's a pile of bullshit: those I've met who are into it, eventuallee move away from Me. Americans are especially like this, with the transcending mania, Canadians are less so, especially Canadian women, who 'naturally' tend to be, in the light of insights recent and a couple of years back, Immanent. Immanent to the mosaic

of Canada tend to be maniacs. Transcending power drivers even in their best moments, paranoid competitive and not at all deterritorializing.

Americans frighten me, they frighten everyone. Imperialism in America and imperialism in the cultural empire. Empire as Hardt and Negri state, the Imperial stance world wide encompasses every domain. American capitalist machine reterritoiralizes more and more. Cuts an d sweeps, the death machine. Such a great country reduced to lowest bases of consumerist lines of guilt, morality, contradiction, wealth, violence, poverty, shame, __ .
An yet this country was was a motor, and I hope and pray it comes to before it's too late. A shame to see this permeates the arts, poetry, criticism , the web extensions, the blog world. I sicken when I see this competitiveness and paranoia in the poetry world, but why be surprised , the country of poetry is governed by desire perhaps more than any other sector except the military and the police, and its certainly as repressive. Imagine all the nut cases in the world of poetry , their insane desires, insane desires to conform, to write to be like everyone else, to Not be like everyone else, the Insanity , and this goes right across the board, to try and write in metrics, the insane endless discussions that go on over and over and over about poetics and how to write. the endless infinite shit o f it. its enuff to save the world , of this continent from starving if this energy were put to use. People ought to shut up, and stop writing.

Cant even think about these things anylonger. Imagine the weirdos and screw balls, the nutcases, the dying and sick taking course after course, starting club after club, giving one prize and endless another, one comment and yet another, ne'er finding the machine, the silence, the mother board of Oedipus and power. Its shameful frightening. not meant. for .

I say these things and not being a poet. What can I say? I Artaud? not so, I poet? what is a poet but a machine for making errors, mistakes, deaths?
If I was one of these things it could be differin.g.
Not so.
I am.

the voice of deleuze in outer space.

Deleuze shook his shakespeare kettle and shot himself. that day. and others. of is body. and the sun was very nice to his shadow moving the table out of the way so he falls down and dies.

the neurotic cowardice and reading o f every text as if it was written to a person. a person who can never live up to what is. the decay of movement s and the degeneration of value. what a strange america is america. with its fetish and faulted line of escape veering off into perversions diversions emaciated deaths. the blindness.


Radio deleuze is now broadcasting at 4 AM
Be there and Be there.