How do I write this post : do I block text quote or quote text blog _______________ at the .
come along here ,
is here where ?
it's here with
Corry is a bridge maker leaping across the coarse folds of difference that bring into elegant parts of disjunction the work of Merleau and Deleuze
add a single quote to
'What does time's composition got to do with you? '
another at this end ~
'We live in the present. But one thing that makes the present so rich is that our pasts continue to speak into the current moment' _________________________
because I am incoherent
i cannot write
s o
switching I to
FunKY Body MachinE
Parts of glue
to part
organic integration
begining of our lives
part an' whole
disjointed parts of funk
whole to part
blend harmony?
subject and world
& Maurice Merleau
gear "Le regard obtient plus ou moins des choses selon la manière dont il les interroge, dont il glisse ou appuie sur elles. Apprendre à voir les couleurs, c'est acquérir un certain style de vision, un nouvel usage du corps propre, c'est enrichir et réorganiser le schéma corporel. (190b)"
and Mister
"Deleuze presents to us a very different view on the body, and we will try to expand on it. "
"we find our body's parts not properly coordinated. So for a Deleuzean phenomenology, the organic integration within the body and between the body and world is not what is phenomenologically interesting. "
" The opposite concerns us.
the opposite concerns us.
opposite c
oncerns us.
We are intereste
d in moments
'drink to splash in our face.'
'drinks to splash in our face '
of incoherence, "ments
of incoherence, "ments
of incoherence, "ments
of incoherence, "
this idea of the break apart of things / ,made me think of this
enunciation ,,
Deleuze stressin'
Neither Felix nor myself are very attached to the pursuit
or even coherence of what we write... if there
Neither Felix nor myself are very attached to the pursuit
or even coherence of what we write... if there
(between book) (between A/O et M/Pl)
are things that don’t work ...., it doesn’t matter... I mean that we are not among those authors who think of what they write as a
if we change, fine, so there’s no point in talking to us about the past. '
278 DI
Corry says
"And yet, somehow our bodies hold together"
(and how beautifully too~!)
and asking us himself
"Do things need to be organically related integrationally in order for there to be an overall functioning?
Mister Pirate wrote (lookin a t t he C )
'The earth is pulling at the moon. But the moon is pulling itself away from the earth.
Together they spin around.
It is on the basis of the incoherence of their forces that the two can maintain their differential relation. '
go see for (yr)
several selves reader
and the body's juxtaposed (posted ) parts
working in
parts perhaps a s a