More than le radio
All we know are assemblages. And the only assemblages are machinic assemblages of desire and collective assemblages of enunciation. No significance, no subjectification: writing the the nth power (all individuated enunciation remains trapped within the dominant significations, all signifying desire is associated with the dominated subjects).
(Deleuze and Guattari, "Rhizome" 22)
Substitute forgetting for anamnesis" ("BwO" 151)
"There are not organs in the sense of fragments in relation to a lost unity" ("BwO" 164-5). Dis-assemble the "modernist" totalizing urge. "Nor is there a return to the undifferentiated in relation to a differentiable totality" ("BwO" 165)
One BilliOn Radios --- metaphors across verses
inside the head of the reader as she pushes
the body out of the