Artaud is the future of the body.
torn up chin screamed in chest
not channels of cute audio means ~
more and more persuaded that the web the blog internet
are not for pictures. but for language. sound yes that's another story but for art work as such evcen digital art does no longer convince. there is no time duration enough to sustain them whereas language works in time, indeed, one can suggest that language is time.
not money, but time.
so until web bcomes tactile its visuality is fancy. but shit.
to bad for all you visual artists who are tryin so har d to make it happen. wont
Radio Deleuze signing in
are not for pictures. but for language. sound yes that's another story but for art work as such evcen digital art does no longer convince. there is no time duration enough to sustain them whereas language works in time, indeed, one can suggest that language is time.
not money, but time.
so until web bcomes tactile its visuality is fancy. but shit.
to bad for all you visual artists who are tryin so har d to make it happen. wont
Radio Deleuze signing in