For Foucault, to think was to react to the intolerable, the intolerable things one experienced.
-Gilles Deleuze, "Foucault and Prison"
-Gilles Deleuze, "Foucault and Prison"
You can cry when you see movie. cinema crybaby. cry cinema tear baby. cry like a baby. daddy say ok. daddio deleuezeo saith. tear. cry complain. plainer. plaint . plaint. lament. tear. tear eyed. teary eyed big bad deleuze. cry. sob. weep. cry. O beat Breast! O beat Tears of Rage et Joie yes yes its good to cry in the movies....
Jill is always. cry. always. Weeping fonted along with Mona's , her tears are river ~ S.
Crying, or causing tears to flow, and provoking laughter are the functions of certain images. Yo u can cry because it's too beautiful or too intense. The only thing that bugs me is the knowing laughter of the cinephiles. This kind of laughter is supposedly on some higher level. I'd rather see the whole house in tears. How could you not cry at Griffith's Broken Blossoms? -- Gilles Delueze from "Portrait of the Philosopher as Moviegoer"Thank you Papa Deleuze for telling me this ~ I am so happy. I gonna cry ... shed tear of treatment permission.... bceause I cry O cry I cry tear. Some film. they make you weep. cry.s ob. Lobster tears. alligator tear, crocodile tears.BooHoo!
they gonna put me in the movies
they gonna make a big star outta me
the biggest fool that ever made the big
time and ill gotta do is act naturally ~ Hans Jurgen Syberberg
Hitler: A Film From Germany aka Our Hitler (1978)
image still fritz lang