
fold s and chairs.. and and ....

Another coup for the fold and seating as it pipes and papers it baroque ring around folding infolding outfolded unfolding refolding the drape and cushion of the spine aging back.... Doctor Deleuze Radio Deleuze refers you to this space of comforting deterritorialization.

"This chair, that seems like a folded piece of paper, is made by the designer Christina Liljenberg Halstrøm. She is a danish furniture designer, and the chair is part of the Crafts Collection 12. The inspiration for this piece of furniture came from the French philosopher Gilles Deleuze’s thoughts about the human mind, which he describes as being in a constant process of “folding, unfolding and refolding”. The interesting part is that it is made of plexiglass- I can't imagine how sitting in it would be like, but it looks great!"

The plexiglass is the unbroken molecule. A non usable assemblage. A non communicating vessel, a schizo sort.