
-------------------- the ZoZoroastrianism people & Doctor Deleuze

7 november 2008


from Alexa der Bar d ~ 'Philosopher, Author, Artist, Lecturer'

For those who are interested in understanding Nietzsche, the best book on Nietzsche I ever read is Gilles Deleuze book on Nietzsche (google Deleuze and Nietzsche together, and you will find the book at amazon.com). Not only is the book an excellent introduction to Nietzsche, but also to Deleuze´s own 20th century philosophy. Two great thinkers in one and the same book! Deleuze has also wirtten two brilliant introductions to Spinoza for those who are interested. And there together we have the three western thinkers who are most closely related to Zarathushtra's thinking - Spinoza, Nietzsche and Deleuze, and in that order - as Arthur Pearlstein and I have repeatedly pointed out here before.