Of Bruno, as of Spinoza, it may be said that he was "God-intoxicated." He felt that the Divine Excellence had its abode in the very heart of Nature and within his own body and spirit. Indwelling in every dewdrop as in the innumerable host of heaven, in the humblest flower and in the mind of man, he found the living spirit of God, setting forth the Divine glory, making the Divine perfection and inspiring with the Divine love. William Boulting, in Giordano Bruno: His Life, Thought, and Martyrdom ----(1916) One has the figure of zeugma here type of god toxic
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as here a typ e the fiSpinoza is the Christ of philosophers, and the greatest philosophers are hardly more than apostles who distance themselves from or draw near to this mystery. ~ ed to roll its farther edger to closerneardOctorGedee Deleuze and
CHrist is the spINOZa of ReliGIous figuring ________________________dearcher_Félix the head of Christ is Spinoza the lens man __________________Guattari, What is Philosophy
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CHrist is the spINOZa of ReliGIous figuring ________________________dearcher_Félix the head of Christ is Spinoza the lens man __________________Guattari, What is Philosophy
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