
the obssesion

The Obession of the Library Bug

Gilles Deleuze made her laugh:

Discussion is just an exercise of narcissism

where everyone takes turns showing off

Conversation is something entirely different

The slightest conversation is a great schizophrenic experiment

happening between two individuals with common resources

and a taste for ellipses and short-hand expressions

Conversation can give you ideas

The phrase "let's discuss it" is an act or terror

She read it on page 308 of

Two Regimes of Madness

texts and interviews between 1975 and 1995

Immanuel Kant made her contemplate:

The Beautiful is what is presented with concepts

as the object of a universal liking

Beautiful is what, without a concept, is likened universally

Beautiful is what without a concept is cognized

as the object of a necessary liking

Critique of Judgment was the book

Nietzsche would have embraced her as a sister:

Dissertation, or logos, is despisable

Becoming, not being, is reasonable

Foucault would have hugged another inmate:

What is written is triumph of succession of syntax

Utterances are beyond words and language

Between seeing and speaking there is thinking

The prison, the clinic are both global metaphors

Sexuality writes the human body and human soul

Space, space, space, all history is about space

The story of the library bug is thus lost among the bewildering bricks

2008-12-12 1:36, NJ