
baruch hot and cold and colder heat....

Spinoza contro-verse.

Oza Verse



Shall I say save the dance pour moi et Spinzoa?

our dear Prince des philosophes.

Or Nietsche's Daugther coming roar to the rest. Save me! Save me! Untitled your Jackpot.

you meant daughter?

or menant daugther?

One does reverse the spin _ doctor he troubles your mind with the plate of immanences's shuffle its love glue boarding the troubled sea of sadness __

unsure “doesn’t go over well” in the way thatMOna suggesting “reversal” She Jest struck Hmmm. not a point a line a map

pas de trave

the life of Spinoza She wish at the deepest “reversal” of Spinoza occurred through Deleuze’s affect-rich, emotionally charged apprrrrrrroooooooo0priaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaation of him (some people find not a hint of Spinoza remaining).

Prof. Challenger took out his old Baruch . blew dust off shelves stanking of mildew dank.

close of library dust.

And Nietzsche cried ahead of her : come to unaltering of altar. shake this shadow box of its ark.

Deleuze ripped him right off the alterpiece

Now our dear Baruch meander the dublin avenue Mistah Bloom hehehehere. Hear he not death. butmake up to Fillcoating pensive greatness. as grapes to watch war wrath metamporphoesed to agape.

Aside from all this, she standing on her dry head of sand. artic ice to feat. She hum as Deleuze believed__ Mister F. appear dry cold wind. Or Zarathustra: a Cold Wind___________ affective, is bracing.

And I’m not quite suCome tot he desert island O lover of the reverse

versed heart._____________ In this desert . the west is stone. as was the static. and the satanic mills of the dark industrial wheel.

Doctor lens doctor Lens breaker something reverse:

she hip to her skirt

her 'rising sun'


Felix came to meeting As Gilles. was 1969 She meted him at ference. there was underpinning. do dear Felix le Deleuze? Felix le faithful.
O felix Culpa!