Excerpt from Chris Kraus' short film Foolproof Illusion f...about .. Antonin Artaud .... . I've not seen the film, but I did know David Rattray and he recited this translation to tape in my kitchen. We did a radio programme_ Ways of Escape.
and the semitexte description of an anthology of Rattray's translations assembled
by Kraus.How I Became One of the Invisible
In order to become one of the invisible, I had to go through an ordeal known as throwing oneself in the arms of God… Some of us stayed for months, others years, many forever.

_____________ More Artaud
typed up from the Artaud Anthology
__________________________________________ et ici
The Return of Artaud , the Momo....
connecting reterritorializing and deterritorializing his work around webof loom
and word of image knot
To Have Done with the Judgement of God, a radio play by Antonin Artaud
Antonin Artaudon
Van Gogh
One can speak of the good mental health of Van Gogh who, in his whole adult life, cooked only one of his hands and did nothing else except once to cut off his left ear,
in a world in which every day one eats vagina cooked in green sauce or penis of newborn child whipped and beaten to a pulp,
just as it is when plucked from the sex of its mother.
And this is not an image, but a fact abundantly and daily repeated and cultivated throughout the world.
And this, however delirious this statement may seem, is how modern life maintains its old atmosphere of debauchery, anarchy, disorder, delirium, derangement, chronic insanity, bourgeois inertia, psychic anomaly (for it is not man but the world which has become abnormal), deliberate dishonesty and notorious hypocrisy, stingy contempt for everything that shows breeding.
insistence on an entire order based on the fulfillment of a primitive injustice, in short, of organized crime.
Things are going badly because sick consciousness has a vested interest right now in not recovering from its sickness.
...In comparison with the lucidity of Van Gogh, which is a dynamic force, psychiatry is no better than a den of apes who are themselves obsessed and persecuted and who possess nothing to mitigate the most appalling states of anguish and human suffocation but a ridiculous terminology,
worthy product of their damaged brains.
An excerpt from "Van Gogh: The Man Suicided by Society," originally published in Paris, in 1947.
Dear Artaud's grave site