
Mnémotechnique du Cliché 2 so then

for some strange reason that video from the previous posting... was deleted from daily motion. and thus from the blog... i cannot find the person who put it up there either. his or her account has vanished into the thin! air like these our actors as I have foresaid.

in lieu of that (until I found out, if ever, what became of the video that has now disappeared) I am adding this video of Richard Pinhas, musician and friend of our Dear Doctor Professor Challenger.

Richard Pinhas est un musicien, compositeur et guitariste. Pionnier des musiques électroniques en France, il créé le groupe Heldon en 1974.
Ami du philosophe Gilles Deleuze, il est à l'origine du site internet webdeleuze.com (http://www.webdeleuze.com/php/index.html). Le site, devenu une référence concernant la pensée du philosophe, donne accès à des retranscriptions de cours de Deleuze.
La dernière production de Richard Pinhas, Keio Line, sortie en octobre 2008 (Cuneiform)est une collaboration avec le musicien japonais de noise, Merzbow.

His smile and laugh like his music is disarming. One might say, his smile is Deleuzian and his speech Guattarian and his music Pinhasian. Alors, il faut etre un devenir des choses....