
h a u n t e d w a n t e d ----

"The film makers decided they wanted to find some of the Vincennes students. These students, revealed in all the uncertainties of the original footage, had become fictional characters to the film-makers. "

Characters in this film of distance yet to find the opening
hole through time ~
________________a field regroups? invites a philosophical space of repatriation?
"The original university had been demolished, and replaced by a woodland that revealed no traces of the previous architectural inhabitants. People who lived in the area, said Thomson, were no longer sure there had been a university..."

"So to respond properly to Deleuze's lectures we have to attune ourselves to their qualities of IMPROPER TRANSMISSION, the qualities that do not fulfill Deleuze's edicts, where faithful becomes distance to faithfulness. "

It becomes in effect a territory of deterritorialization ~

--------------------------------------------------- cannot get in your zero body-----7 minus 1= 0

(and for those missing the event the people that is coming?)
vec les fantômes de la révolution qui hantent nos désirs.

"When Marielle Burkhalter wanted to put them in an archive, the university said the quality was too poor and threw them away. Burkhalter was able to retrieve half of the original tapes from the trash.

EXAMPLE 2: Deleuze himself worked on a five hour edit, but was unable to clean up the image. Was this before he wrote the letter: restoring will destroy more than it will save. So the work ends up stranded "

is that who they say you aRe?

All images: Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson, Facs of Life (2009, work in progress).

_____________________________ where is clifford duffy
1 9
8 7


tune into 102.
lines of escape.
here in there

To be 2009 in 1972. To be 1972 in 2009.

facs of life
after le borde clinique ~other s on the haunted run ~
and students here and there
___________________________structuring replacing

Now watch:
cinemautonome.Facs of Life 2

dechire ...
disparaitre ...


_________________________ ici ailleurs

Facs of Life. Presentation of work in progress by Silvia Maglioni and Graeme Thomson. Gasworks, Sun 15 March 2009

"Maglioni and Thomson showed some of the original footage, but their work and the Gasworks event was very much about the present, and most of the three hour seminar was a presentation of their work-with and out of this footage. "

"how do you film a becoming of thought? "

this question is a perfect thought

a becoming beginning thought

to unfold its seed ~


'But there is the idea of obscure corners to be remembered amidst all this talk of education as service and normalization...'

A RESPONSE: Your film seeks to respond to the avoidance of professionalization. "There's nothing worse than specialists" said Deleuze, by which we can understand now "there is nothing worse than Deleuzians."

yet the loop over time
the deterritorialization of time's to come
its future becomings
a film to come
and a becoming of its full gift
'how do you film a becoming of thought? '

_some of>________ The snips and snaps that go to make up this posting are in part based on
quotations excerpted and reconstructed redone here from

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