I a m inn o ce n t
bro se
kn ocks the force of a ta g ism
________________Are yer forgo ne ? speak?
as he eats
glac ce a i defig re a d
gro d
experimet jazz
who will
the se ma e qi s be?
________________ e d of the w orld came ?
elizatbeth left
as woma to come becomig
as woma to come becomig
water crosssig
wake plateai g of cosciisess
i daveder?
do yo xderstad my lagage
o reaso to fihght
o more armies
rags ov varios colors
two sch we wear
o govermets
casestwo sch we wear
o govermets
The Twilight Zone - -- zoe ite s ity desire feeeaaaaaaaaaaarrd abolition lin e zzzzzzzzz
is the wa r over,
battles are behi d s
Big Smil e
the darling Elizabeth Montgomery