Deleuze considers in after cloud life. Spinoza see thou that? Guattari dies a year or two before or as really Deleuze is about to go. kick the "proverbial' bucket.
where the ligne de fuite poetry come about from what region of literary poetic expression was urged on this moment
so the young lady in ubiquitous paranoia might be on the
"money" in regard to the recent high powere reception accorded the dual duet Guattari et Deleuze.
--------------- in 86 the year before the last lectures ther e was a tone of ferocity.
and equanimity. in Italy surrende r was coming quick. none knew this better than Felix Guattari. there the battle had been high and grand and overwhelming. grander and more forceful than even May 68
but as the witch of capital yes it s nazty hammer lets not kid yourselves. you know. its monstrous profit is the beast on which others in millions are hung huge to die/dry.
No weak reading of capitalism's goin to "justify it" and this too the cacacacshitalists do know.
I deleuze the first speak from my grave
I who am Felix Felix who am Moi
thou are thee of the deterritorialized becomings of its multiple
(not the academic stews of comeres and maker believers)
(second generation afters and second helpers. can I have seconds! please? secondes to go, he seconded the breast. Kissing her waist)
to Capitalism
to Cacacaca ism
I say
I would prefer Not to
I would prefer Not to
I would prefer Not to
be part of the disgusting capital s London Paris and Germany the big catcapitalists of the present as it rolling over. it's that shit that maketh Moi ill. one thinks of the billions and the parties.of capital. eh? yes, no yes no? it's true. this is not repetition thatmarvelous plateau of Refrain but shit points, death rods, escape bang clauses for the scum of capital bummery.
___________________ Whereas we Prefer Not to
___________________ Whereas we Prefer Not to