
line of fight

What is The professor cynically congratulated himself on taking his pleasure from behind, but offspring always turned out to be runts and wents, bits and pieces, if not stupid||| vulgarizations. (Gilleagmatic framework is better than tracing concepts, with their breaks and progress changing nprecarious and pragmatic framews Deleuze and Felix Guattari)the line of flight? Dadaleuze reply

When a term is introduced and has the least bit of success, as has been the case for “desiring machine” or “schizoanalysis”, either one circulates it, which is already rather pernicious, a sort of coaptation, or one renounces it and seeks other terms to upset the order. These are words that Félix and I now feel it urgent not to use: ‘schizoanalysis,’ ‘desiring machine’ —it’s awful, if we use them, we’re caught in the trap. We don’t know very well what they mean, we no longer believe in the words; when we use a word, we want to say, if this word doesn’t agree with you, find another, there’s always a way. Words are totally interchangeable (Desert Islands 278 ).

a discussion after Anti-Oedipus and before A Thousand Plateaus, Deleuze stressed the incoherence of what he and Guattari wdoing:
Neither Guattari nor myself are very attached to the pursuit or even coherence of what we write. We would hope for the contrary, we would hope that the follow-up to Anti-Oedipus breaks with what preceded it, with the first volume, and then, if there are things that don’t work in the first volume, it doesn’t matter. I mean that we are not among those authors who think of what they write as a whole that must be coherent; if we change, fine, so there’s no point in talking to us about the past. (Deleesert Islands )

"It is not the first two persons that function as the condition for literary enunciation; literature begins only when a third person is born in us that strips us of the power to say 'I' (Blanchot's 'neuter')"

[I]t’s not science, it’s a monster slang, it’s nomadic. Even in the realm

of theory, any precarious and pragmatic framework is better than tracing

concepts, with their breaks and progress changing nothing. (ATP 24)


precarious and pragmatic framework is better than tracing concepts, with their breaks and progress changing nprecarious and pragmatic framewecarious and pragmatic framework is better than tracing concepts, with theiScurrying vermin, groping like the blind, running like a lunatir breaks and progress changing nprecarious and pragmatic framework is better than ork is better than tracing concepts, with their breing nprecarious and pragaks and progress changing n