What is The professor cynically congratulated himself on taking his pleasure from behind, but offspring always turned out to be runts and wents, bits and pieces, if not stupid||| vulgarizations. (Gilleagmatic framework is better than tracing
When a term is introduced and has the least bit of success, as has been the case for “desiring machine” or “schizoanalysis”, either one circulates it, which is already rather pernicious, a sort of coaptation, or one renounces it and seeks other terms to upset the order. These are words that Félix and I now feel it urgent not to use: ‘schizoanalysis,’ ‘desiring machine’ —it’s awful, if we use them, we’re caught in the trap. We don’t know very well what they mean, we no longer believe in the words; when we use a word, we want to say, if this word doesn’t agree with you, find another, there’s always a way. Words are totally interchangeable (Desert Islands 278 ).
a discussion after Anti-Oedipus and before A Thousand Plateaus, Deleuze stressed the incoherence of what he and Guattari wdoing:
"It is not the first two persons that function as the condition for literary enunciation; literature begins only when a third person is born in us that strips us of the power to say 'I' (Blanchot's 'neuter')"
[I]t’s not science, it’s a monster slang, it’s nomadic. Even in the realm
of theory, any precarious and pragmatic framework is better than tracing