
is it possible? now

of course R . D Laing the great doctor of schizophrenia. the healer. his book, the Politics of Experience and the Bird of Paradise , sold and resold and solded many time over in the 60's, 70's etcetera 80's and into the infinite series of learning.

Laing first clinical appointment with schizophrenics was after WW2 _ where he had served as medical doctor shrink ___

Laing took charge of 'backward' and according to the various biographies and accounts available of which there are at least seven all told written ___

the ward was closed after a year or so.

All of his patients were able to go home

and None or few returned __ no pills, no shock therapy ___ all had been considered hopeless,, useless, schizophrenic women with no chance of return.

One of Laing's last books, a less known one than the others ~_

_________________i s entitled the Voice of Experience ~ ___________________

He wrote a bout a dozen of books, did hundreds of hours of therapy privately, in groups, and with the Philadelphia Association, which he cofounded in the sixties|

there are fictional and non fiction al accounts of him and his work by friends, his son, colleagues, enemies, biographers, and others.
there are films, essays, poems. paintings. The famous Mary Barnes _ Two Accounts of A Journey through Madness _ cowritten by Mary Barnes and Joe Berkes (which Guattari took exception to).

A n auto biographical essay _ The Facts of Life __ was published in mid 80's. Laing's most well known colleagues are David Cooper and Aaron Esterson. Cooper wrote seven books...

In any case, in any case .... |

On the radio you charm yer brain across the circuits to get back your brain. And think.

Think for yourself. There are dogmas or dogmans in radio. you can resay ideas for yourself. Think is the Key. Think, for yourself.


forgive my hasty posts riddled with error, typos, and necessary re-dos. Adjust yer head according.