
my black hole

black hole is not your black hole. But a black hole is a .... not a white wall, or an
Eye in the Wall but a heart in the sky? is that the hole that's the sun and

holbstract machinefaciality—Body,

head, and face—Face and landscape—The courtly novelheorem
of deterritorialization—The face and Christ—The two figures of the
face: frontal view and profile, the turning away—Dismantling the face
think ofthe epistrata between the two plateaus and their narrow concave ~
8. 1874: Three Novellas, or "What Happened?" 192

________is that yer crack uP
Mist er AlcoHOlIC
the second last time
he swore....

Earlier, we encountered two axes, signifiance and subjectification. We saw
that they were two very different semiotic systems, or even two strata.
Signifiance is never without a white wall upon which it inscribes its signs
and redundancies.

Subjectification is never without a black hole in which
it lodges its consciousness, passion, and redundancies. Since all semiotics
are mixed and strata come at least in twos, it should come as no surprise
that a very special mechanism is situated at their intersection. Oddly
enough, it is a face: the white wall/black hole system.

A broad face with
white cheeks, a chalk face with eyes cut in for a black hole. Clown head,
white clown, moon-white mime, angel of death, Holy Shroud.

-------------------------------My Lord turned his face away

The face is
not an envelope exterior to the person who speaks, thinks, or feels. The
form of the signifier in language, even its units, would remain indeterminate
if the potential listener did not use the face of the speaker to guide his
or her choices ("Hey, he seems angry ..."; "He couldn't say it..."; "

So then "I" hide
my face
I cape it
exploring the contour of
as if a building

_____________Compare Laing's comments about the face in Self and others, the part about the swindler, collusion and
of check and balance
in a nexus
of individuals....

the wink and nod which knocks the legitimacy of a person in their actuality

(the Blake quote he refers to)

child, woman, mother, man, father, boss, teacher, police officer, does not
speak a general language but one whose signifying traits are indexed to specific
faciality traits. Faces are not basically individual; they define zones of
frequency or probability, delimit a field that neutralizes in advance any
expressions or connections unamenable to the appropriate significations.
Similarly, the form of subjectivity, whether consciousness or passion,
would remain absolutely empty if faces did not form loci of resonance that
select the sensed or mental reality and make it conform in advance to a
dominant reality. The face itself is redundancy. It is itself in redundancy with the redundancies of signifiance or frequency, and those of resonance
or subjectivity. The face constructs the wall that the signifier needs in order
to bounce off of; it constitutes the wall of the signifier, the frame or screen.
The face digs the hole that subjectification needs in order to break through;
it constitutes the black hole of subjectivity as consciousness or passion, the
camera, the third eye--------- Compare Laing in The Facts of Life
My face is a mask I remove it, take it off, handle
it, turn it around ,
flip it inside out
"look' at it.
With what do I 'look' at
if my face
off ?
the what is a building

a building

of flight
out of
day to day ~

Fourth Person Singular ~ Her Eye ~ Someone is Me
On faits ca et ca?
it's not 'moi' who acts.