
yo u gotta

You must contra _ dicta yer self.

mister you gotta you aint no genius. just a body walking 'side the things you love, the men, the women, the voices you never met, but heard the, down the long ocean's call, its lover troop ,
ship its waiting hopes, home

as tender as the fare, cuddling the lover's basked breath, the
unpronounceable word

you looked Mona
in the dictionary finding her lover
everywhere a hundred bodies

a thousand
and everything free


In this radio Jill's been becoming her nigh
waves naked toher cunt
placed high on the hill
love's body high on the niveau of its cussing and fussing
its low ridership

better than none
between the everything dozen nothing done ~

JIll won't serve the purser she is the purser

~ _______________
heel and tramp's the best living for you doctor ~