
planular perfect

planular The unconscious no longer designates the hidden principle of the transcendent plane of organization, but the process of the immanent plane of consistency as it appears on itself in the course of its construction. _______________________ --

Thousand Plateaus (p.284) perfect is fr the museum tzara said in 1918 dada ma

_________________________________> What image Sir? - the cocetti of 'removed' reproved remonstrate_ stratA_
who're you speakin?
Photo Sharing and Video Hosting at PhotobucketIf every ruin is a landscape surreal as a button, well it's time to button down, dump yer Baudrillard & back to Deleuze and Guattari's assmeblages, where desire's beauty lies, as a mouth opens.. to it, cupping up glances of moonlight, don't you think? it was a lon g gone year with yer ass up yer elbow now by Max Ernst that was true . single as any many. riant . as blutt? not so near the chinese counter player used the saxophone making her point savon ~ .

(0nce a missive now an apothegm)

Origin: 1545–55;
earlier apothegma apóphthegma, equiv. to apophtheg- (var. s. of apophthéngesthai to speak out; apo-
+ phthéngesthai to speak) + -ma n. suffix