Thousand Plateaus (p.284) perfect is fr the museum tzara said in 1918 dada manifesto
_________________________________> What image Sir? - the cocetti of 'removed' reproved remonstrate_ stratA_
who're you speakin?
If every ruin is a landscape surreal as a button, well it's time to button down, dump yer Baudrillard & back to Deleuze and Guattari's assmeblages, where desire's beauty lies, as a mouth opens.. to it, cupping up glances of moonlight, don't you think? it was a lon g gone year with yer ass up yer elbow now by Max Ernst that was true . single as any many. riant . as blutt? not so near the chinese counter player used the saxophone making her point savon ~ .
(0nce a missive now an apothegm)
Origin: 1545–55; earlier apothegma apóphthegma, equiv. to apophtheg- (var. s. of apophthéngesthai to speak out; apo- + phthéngesthai to speak) + -ma n. suffix
(0nce a missive now an apothegm)
Origin: 1545–55; earlier apothegma apóphthegma, equiv. to apophtheg- (var. s. of apophthéngesthai to speak out; apo- + phthéngesthai to speak) + -ma n. suffix