
of mic e ... men a t the movies with S and D

Rare Comment by weirdblogger C. Duffy at Mister Shores Cinema Project which

this post from Corry shores delight Deleuze Cinema project reblogified in cinemablogazine ici. thank you Corry

Having reposted the entire particular post here. __________________________Of Mice and Lead. Hawks. Scarface

presentation by Corry Shores
[The following is quotation]

Of Mice and Lead

Gilles Deleuze

Cinema I

Cinéma 1

Chapter 9. The Action Image: The Large Form

Chapitre 9. L’image-action : la grande forme

1. From situation to action: ‘secondness’

1. De la situation à l’action : la « secondéité »

the modes of behavior, however studied they are, are not true habits, true responses to situations, but conceal a fault or cracks which cause them to disintegrate. This is the story of Hawks’ Scarface, where all the hero’s cracks, all the little faults which made him take it too hard, converge in the appalling crisis to which he succumbs on the death of his sister. [Deleuze Cinema I 1986:149]

les comportements, si expérimentés soient-ils, ne sont pas de vrais habitus, de vraies réponses à des situations, mais recèlent une faille ou des fêlures qui les désintègrent. C’est l’histoire de « Scarface » de Hawks, où toutes les fêlures du héros, toutes les petites failles par lesquelles il en faisait trop, so réunissent dans une crise abjecte qui l’emporte avec la mort de sa sœur. [Deleuze Cinéma 1, 1985 :201]

Deleuze, Gilles. Cinema 1: The Movement-Image.Transl. Hugh Tomlinson & Barbara Habberjam, London: Continuum, 1986

Deleuze, Gilles. Cinéma 1: L'image-mouvement. Paris: Les éditions de minuit, 1983.

Image 1

Image 2

Re:Posted here
by Radio Deleuze

___OF Mice and Men __________> OrIgiNal Post at there ___________________________