_____Reel to Reel Tape no:12 unedited: Rough Unemended punctuation etcetera.
C_ And where were you around the time that was being done, I mean that book, you first read it in French didn't you? You'd not read the earlier book he'd written with Felix Guattari .
Cd_ Read it in Fr ench! are you crazy! I could not have read French in them days.. remember for me for a long time, that language was sort of dead, yet I was living there! in Paris, and around France and up and down to Amsterdam... anyhow, No, anyhow, once you heard his voice, trying to read the book in French, well no way, it was too much.. I was reading Artaud in translations by a friend of mine, David Rattray a a poet .... but reading the book by Guattari and Deleuze .. no, reading it was a bit flattening, __ Like I said I would go and hear it being done! and anyhow, I had no time to read much then, apart from poetry and the life I was living, and the woman I loved... and going to the movies a lot.... the book was not disappointing but it took things to another plane, and I liked that level then, not now of course, I read all their books, but back then the hearing plane I was getting from the experience..you know what I mean? hearing this guy from this week to the next whenever we could go ...always on Tuesday right? and starting early ! ... and in my personal life... I was nowhere special that year. I was living with a woman .. she was Croatian Canadian .. and she too wanted to write, ...and we were quite a bit crazy ... we had cats cats galore and we were poor. We went back and forth from one apartment to another, and I was writing and she was mad because I would not stay employed. Mad isn't the word, I mean, look she was quite crazy herself, and she worked more often than I did. And when I went to the lectures I would not work, I d go through these periods and working was just out of the question.
C_(laughs) Worked you worked?
Yes, you know here and there, sometimes a week at some factory... and we'd be gone before we knew it.... and then I was doing lots of art, big gigantic collages, and me and my friends were really interested in what was happening in Italy. And there was quite a bit of drinking going on but, yet it was not the sort of out of control drinking that some of my friends well, later, they went off the deep end I got quite crazy for a while... yet I held back.... and then our lives were on the go so.. you know..?. And the talks ...the lectures that year were about Kafka and Beckett and all these philosophers... I had only read it in bits and pieces, parts of plato here and there, and Aristotle ? and another friend had introduced me to Genet's books.... and these other ones..thinker and militants... you know and novels and doing some of this and that... and there was lots happening in F rance and back in Italy.. I went there twice... I was started to publish in these fleeting magazines.... and the second book and poepatory (prepatory?) to the third. I got i gues (guess?) pulled in for a while into a sort of crazy hope and belief__ O I mean everyone did.. and then we went to live on a farm... we worke there in the summer... and we'd head back to London for some of the big poetry festivals.. it was a time to roam to wander.... the world was going to just change ...no one I knew had given that up yet...
C__ okay well we ought to talk more about that as we go along.... you talk fast sometimes you see and the words run over each other...
CDuffy_______Yes, for sure, I write that way too.... sure whenever it happens it pulls all the strands into a big assemblage! as they called it! body without organic! hahaha of love and consistency! vive la c.s.o.! eh Le C.S.O de duffy sans organes! hahahhahah
C_ you were becoming a writer!
__________________The ongoing interview here and at recalltopoetry