
re :socialism

At the end of the 3rd part of the interview Godard when asked
about his not yet completed film

SociAliSm _2010

says that he won't say anything about it except for maybe its name , that it is not sure yet that the series of movements- there might 3 or 5 and so on ...
in it are settled .... wonderful interview
and his strength of character shines through _ that it may yet change. the film may yet change its shape..... How Protean ~ he is and careful not to disclose more than he wants ... about his
and his wonderful thank you at the end
is itself strong and definitive....

__ One thinks of Nietzsche's comments about genius and the air of sureness regarding their work...
Taking Nietzche's idea of studying philosophers with one's nose,
one can say also that one can study film makers with one's eyes nose,
and that Godard smells like fire and sulphur of burning radiant truth ~
