
___________ _____Rene __ _______________________________

France Telecom Marine, cable-laying ship René Descartes, at sunset in the harbor of La Seyne sur Mer __near Toulon, France

Submarine cables are laid using special cable layer ships, such as the modern René Descartes, operated by France Telecom Marine.

In 1628 Descartes left Paris. At this time
(there were women & werewolves in the street)

In a letter to Mersenne, dated November 1633, Descartes expresses his fear that were he to publish The World, the same fate that befell Galileo would befall him
__________Off with his head /off with his AlIlEo
And, in 1649 he left for Sweden
he left for Sweden

In 1646, as a result of the probings of Princess Elizabeth, Descartes completed a working draft of Passions de l'ame (Passions of the Soul). During this year another prominent political figure began to correspond with Descartes, Queen Christina of Swe

(he was corresponding with Christina la Queen)
at first required very little from Descartes. However, according to Gaukroger, this would change. For, after he had some time to settle in, she ordered him to do two things:
first, to put all of his papers in order,

and secondly, to put together designs for an academy (Gaukroger, p. 415).

In January of 1650 Queen Christina began to require Descartes to give her lessons in philosophy.

It is said these'd
begin begin at five in the morning and would last for about five hours

Five to Five
Five to Five
five of this
& that
1 cogitio
2 mind
3 soul
4 body
5 body and mind
five mind body soul body cogito

Queen Christina at first required very little from Descartes though things seemed to be moving forward, they were not going as well as one would have hoped

as one would have hoped
In a letter to Bregy, for instance, dated 15 January 1650, Descartes expresses reservations about his decision to come to Sweden.

Reservations about his decision his decision

Put your papers in order
Put your
papers in a n
we can
a school
of paper and order

He sees himself to be "out of his element,"

the winter so harsh that "men's thoughts are frozen here, like the water"

___________________________I think I think
Out of his element winter so harsh men's thoughts frozen here frozen here like the water like the water the water water

frozen water like the thoughts here

The Queen wanted Descartes to teach her philosophy. Though this was the only obligation he had at her court, she could spare time for lessons only at five in the morning.

The Queen wanted

He used to say 'Men's thoughts freeze during winter months'. His health deteriorated due to the unaccustomed early rising in the cold of Swedish winter.
wanted the queen wanted
philosophy at court
like that other Augusta
(Empress no less)

reading from dear Jules Laforgue
(O empress read this~ et
try this )

the Queen wanted early rise cold Sweden court

In 1650, Chanut became seriously ill, and Descartes, in taking care of him, he himself became sick.
Chanut became seriously ill became ill seriously Descartes took care took care taking care
of him

himself became sick became sick

(The Queen came to
quit the throne
the throne
she left the throne
she abdicated
her royal statue )

(some say she was a lover
of women
of women
and men
of men and women
see the Ullman The Abdication
compare to Garbo's performance
here ~

Descartes caught pneumonia from him on February 1 and died on February 11. In early February, less than a month after writing Bregy, Descartes fell ill

Descartes fell ill

fell fell
il l
il l

His illness quickly turned into a serious respiratory infection

A serious respiratory infection a serious infection And, although at the end of a week he appeared to have made some movement towards recovery,

things took a turn for the worse and he died in the early morning of 11 February 1650
things took a turn took a turn a turn things took took thing took a turn for the worse
Since Descartes was a Catholic, and Sweden a Protestant country,

he was buried

he was buried in a cemetery

reserved for un-baptized children
he was buried in a place for the unbaptized

a hole in the ground
a little heap of nothing
for the unbaptized ones

he was dead

In 1667, his remains were taken to Paris and buried in the Church of St. Genevieve-du-Mont

His remains remains
H'is remain


During the French Revolution, his remains were disinterred for burial in the Pantheon among the great French thinkers

And disinterred

amonghe great
the great disinterred
among the disinterred

the revolution
the revolt
French revolution

Liberté, égalité, fraternité

great french thinkers
cogito ergo sum

His tomb is now in the church of St. Germain-des-Pres
His tomb's now in the church He's buried near a cafe the cafe Deux Magot s
home of the existentialists he so dearly didnt know didnt know didnt know

The inscription Descartes chose for his tombstone was

'Bene qui latuit, bene visit'

He who hid well, lived well. He hid well lived well he hid well lived

He was fifty-three years old


Un autre philosophe D ~

No one owns a philosopher
_________________________citing this &that________________________________________
__________________________________> decartes web project
for french/english text & commentary et standford life and work of descartes