
Brightness fall s from the air?

cleavage disjunction||||||||||||||||||||
ascendancies, submissions, capitulations____________I love the juxaposed. Your nose and arm. Arm to nose its split level becoming. yes, that way the mouth outfits the arse.

the supreme master of literary sansculottisme Cs Lewis - On Thomas Nashe my dig dag daddyio hybrid self.A combinatory master before the letter of the combine. Ragged Nashe a sort of english Villon

-----------------------------suffuse undergird.+++ Why not sing with yer elbow? yes, we wing swinge with elbow to Max and others. Miss Repause and Cause. Effect your allegorical thing... scaffolding to the untrue __ the true! the true! the bearing ! Lost! O ghost!

_________________The sans culotte versus the pedantic boor. Whore to his learning erudite sloth.! Well hailwell bastard fellow! of your spirited camp what nothing of air left. Smoking in the breeze. Of the long lined trees of Cambridge.

-----------of the assinine and running dispute between Harvey and Nashe
Thomas Middleton jibed at "the running a tilt of wits in booksellers' shops on both sides of John of Paul's churchyard." And Lo! the fatheaded Archbishop of Canterbury ended the muddling affair announcing "that all Nasshes bookes and Doctor Harveyes bookes be taken wheresoever they may be found and that none of theire books bee ever printed thereafter." The feud romped on history as the tweedlee and dum of the dumdrumdum. Not bing crosby and shit but the walloping dead aunt of the histories of dialectics! Kiss my ass rhetoric!
________________________ Why I''ll get you. I have you . In the broadsword of this sheet. yer parren bait a broad wolf to pack your knaves. have with you arsehole. hang your daughters.

We''l l roundhouse your head . Jibe my matter you old fool.

It the territory of the real to reel its spin across the foregin page of gin and being. Not becoming and genesis. This sits atop the stoup.

Jill becomes roundhouse punches: summons _ the law man and the outlaw man summons the devices___ allegory, hyperbole, paradox, alliteration, pun, enigma, satire, invective, ________Tacking on the door of the Dummy.