
Mozart 'The Gay Science in which he tells a whole story, and he finishes his aphorism by writing: "to suffer [éprouver] in a cosmic way!" & StraVinSky

and a reminder that just about one year ago
Corry Shores posted
about Deleuze and Music

A certain Lady Catherine Pickstock, Has Written about "God and Meaning in Music: Messiaen and Deleuze (Sacred Music, pp. 40-72)" which you can find in the site Scribdwhich has oodles of goodies they say______________________________________________________
--------------------------------------------------- How are you speakers/ they're busted.like a lover's bones. I listen to the radio infrequencies

||||||||||____________________The discussion entre Parnet, Pinhas and Deleuze and the two essays are worth printing and reading off line: ______________________ Print delight. To read in Pace the eye and EaR

________________________________One of thee things _- I like 'bout printin' yr own things that you like from thee web is that you can Print them in Fonts that Suit your head and sense of things.

CP _______________Did you ever attend any of Foucault's lectures ?

CD___________________> I think I said yes to that previously... yes, Lady G and I attended some of the ones he gave in the late seventies around the same time as the one I refer to above in the link to the Pinhas/Parnet discourse .

------------------------------------------- Cp Lady G was your mysterious partner who bore your child?
CD ___________________________Yes yes, His name is ___________ Secret Clandestine SM.

CP You like the idea of suffering in a cosmic way?
CD__ I dont like suffering at all, but if you're goin to, well suffering cosmically is best because then yer connected to the higher power of immanence .Yer kind of surfing god's waves then a plane of consistency of divine disruption.

Cp___________ And yes, that's quite an intercessive mode you're suggesting ? Isn't that reintroducing something we'd left behind>?
CD Nothing is left behind in the planes of immanence
its just in a different place, even god, or the idea of god,
people's experience is not left behind, it's just catalogued and noted,
or logged in the great book weaving and unweaving its tell ~

At Radio Vivace France today Mozart Stravinsky

  • 07:00

    Programme musical

    Par Benjamin Hertz

    Mozart et le piano (1784-1786)

    rediffusion du 09.11.06


    Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
    Concerto pour piano et orchestre n°19 en sol Majeur, K.459
    Paul Badura-Skoda, Piano
    Orchestre de Chambre de Prague
    réf : TRANSART TR132


    Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
    Quatuor à cordes en la Majeur, K.464
    Quatuor Végh
    réf : EMI 5 85219 2


    Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
    Concerto pour piano et orchestre n°24 en do mineur, K.491
    Clara Haskil, Piano
    Orchestre National
    André Cluytens, direction
    réf : MONTAIGNE TCE 878


    Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
    Concerto pour piano et orchestre n°23 en la Majeur, K.488
    Daniel Barenboïm, Piano
    Orchestre de Chambre Anglais
    réf : EMI 7 62825 2


    Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
    Quintette pour piano, hautbois, clarinette, cor et basson en mi bémol Majeur, K.452
    Christian Zacharias, Piano
    Diethelm Jonas, Hautbois
    Sabine Meyer, Clarinette
    Bruno Schneider, Cor
    Sergio Azzolini, Basson
    réf : EMI 5 55013 2


    Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
    Concerto pour piano et orchestre n°25 en do Majeur, K.503
    Alicia de Larrocha, Piano
    Orchestre de Chambre Anglais
    Colin Davis, direction
    réf : RCA VICTOR 09026 98399 2


    Wolfgang-Amadeus Mozart
    Air de concert pour basse, K.432 : " Cosi dunque tradisci "
    Thomas Quasthoff, basse
    Württembergisches Kammerorchester Heilbronn
    Jörg Faerber, direction
    réf : RCA VICTOR 09026 61428 2

  • 10:00

    Programme musical

    Par Olivier Le Borgne

    Stravinski par Stravinski (4)

    rediffusion du 02.02.09


    Igor Stravinski
    The Rake's Progress (La Carrière d'un libertin) : Opéra en trois actes et un épilogue, créé le 11 septembre 1951 à Venise. (Enregistré en juin 1964 à Londres)
    Don Garrard, basse, Truelove
    Judith Raskin, soprano, Anne Truelove, sa fille
    Alexander Young, ténor, Tom Rakewell, son soupirant
    John Reardon, baryton, Nick Shadow
    Jean Manning, mezzo-soprano, Mother Goose, tenancière de maison
    Regina Sarfaty, mezzo-soprano, Baba la turque, femme à barbe dans un cirque
    Kevin Miller, ténor, Sellem, comissaire-priseur
    Peter Tracey, basse, Le gardien de l'asile
    Colin Tilney, Clavecin
    The Sadler's Wells Opera Chorus
    Royal Philharmonic Orchestra
    Igor Stravinski, direction
    réf : SONY CLASSICAL SM2K 46 299


    Igor Stravinski
    The Flood (Le Déluge) : Jeu Musical sur un texte choisi et arrangé par Robert Craft (Enregistré du 28 au 31 mars 1962 à Hollywood, California, USA)
    Laurence Harvey, Narrateur
    Sebastian Cabot, Noé
    Elsa Lanchester, Femme de Noé
    John Reardon & Robert Oliver, basse, Dieu
    Robert Oliver, basse, Dieu
    Richard Robinson, ténor, Lucifer
    Paul Tripp, Annonceur
    Columbia Symphony Orchestra and Chorus
    Robert Craft, direction
    réf : SONY CLASSICAL SM2K 46 300

  • ________________________________

    CP ______You've been busy doing the dictionsfictions a lot these days and nights/ has the I progressed further into its ... what deterritorializations?

    CD _____________I think so I hope so