To go from the Vertebrate to the
Cephalopod, bring the two sides of the Vertebrate's backbone together,
bend its head down to its feet and its pelvis up to the nape of its neck ...
Cuvier (angrily): That's just not true! You go from an Elephant to a Medusa; I know, I tried.
There are irreducible axes, types, branches.
There are resemblances between organs and analogies between forms, nothing
You're a falsifier, a metaphysician. Vialleton (a disciple of Cuvier
and Baer): Even if folding gave good results, who could endure it? It's not
by chance that Geoffroy only considers anatomical elements. No muscle or
ligament would survive it
....Challenger admitted having digressed at length but added that there was
no possible way to distinguish between the digressive and the
nondi-gressive. The point was to arrive at several conclusions
no possible way to distinguish between the digressive and the
nondi-gressive. The point was to arrive at several conclusions
concerning the unity and diversity of a single stratum, in this case the
organic stratum.______________Image from Cephalopod
__________________Welcome home everyone Says Mona and she's Sister Maria Buttocks.