
Professor Peter Hallward addressing the #saveMDXphil rally outside Hendon campus about 2


  1. http://twitpic.com/1rjz6c - Professor Peter Hallward addressing the #saveMDXphil rally outside Hendon campus
  2. Come to our rally this evening! 4pm onwards at Hendon campus. See also this campaign update: http://bit.ly/bkRyRw #saveMDXphil
  3. Kenan Malik: Death of the university? http://bit.ly/daTIZV #saveMDXphil
  4. Times Higher Education: Seven suspended over sit-in protest http://bit.ly/bUYfiE #saveMDXphil
  5. Inside Higher Ed: Call for Boycott of Middlesex http://bit.ly/9uBnLN #saveMDXphil
  6. letter in today's Guardian: Save this beacon of philosophical study http://bit.ly/9vYIam #saveMDXphil
  7. RT @sussexucu: Motion in support of suspended Middlesex Uni staff and students passed http://tinyurl.com/2ug2ovv
  8. RT @ucu: University of Sussex faces ignominy of being shunned by academic community: http://bit.ly/daP1KA
  9. The Bookseller: Publishers express 'grave concerns' over Middlesex University suspensions http://bit.ly/ddeAmU
  10. Socialist Worker: Middlesex students targeted for fighting cuts http://bit.ly/aNSrYw
  11. from the @NewStatesman: Academic staff suspended at Middlesex University http://bit.ly/b0Egyf
  12. More information about the Philosophy suspensions http://bit.ly/92CfSY #saveMDXphil
  13. Letter from the Middlesex Professors Group against the closure of Philosophy http://bit.ly/d01YBW
  14. Haringey & Enfield Independent: Middlesex University philosophy protesters suspended http://bit.ly/bkfFnQ
  15. RT @JohnProtevi: Template for email to colleagues concerning Middlesex Philosophy closure and suspensions http://bit.ly/9ioHf1 #savemdxphil
  16. Rally in solidarity with suspended philosophy staff and students -- Thu 27 May, 4pm http://bit.ly/d06fuw #saveMDXphil
  17. Demonstrate in solidarity with victimised philosophy students and staff at Middlesex: Thu 27 May, 4pm onwards, Hendon campus #saveMDXphil
  18. Leaflet and petition protesting against the Middlesex philosophy suspensions: http://bit.ly/c8S47o #saveMDXphil (pls RT)
  19. RT @bat020: Outrageous news from Middlesex: management have started suspending staff and students for the "crime" of trying to save the ...
  20. RT @JohnProtevi: Philosophy students and staff suspended | Save Middlesex Philosophy http://bit.ly/9XhgsZ #saveMDXphil