Turn away O saints from these dead ones Turn away from the dead ones the dead the dead
Turn away
from this
_____We belong here and elsewhere____________________________________________
CP : And you?
CD : Me, I prefer Happy Birthday Wanda June ~ to watching the strata masses strike while eating a dead man's heart ~ catholicism is another ism and another sickness and its immersed in what i call 'supernatural' cannibalism. its gross | I prefer Pierre Klossowski and The Revocation of the Edict of Nantes. After JEus is no longer centered. He lost his definition as signifier. But to these thousand s ,, nay millions he's mediated by this 'little guy' 'brother' andre and catholicks are a weird fauna. but are they?O these junipers these souls of the thousands with the ir community of the living and dead ~ O LamA! O DalI LamA!~ you too have seen these souls fluttering in the thousands B ut the mad crazy bishops? their triangle power prates are old hat! Old compression! Old confession of dead! death with their
'venial' 'sins' and their 'cardinal' virtues and their 'mortal' sins O confession of the crushing crypts of history ~ O i prefer the Kissing Woman in India that pilgrims inthe thousands go see to be Kissed and Hugged! by her her love so great for her immanence and other she kisshugs them back into levity and life! O grace of earth saints and the sweet succor ~ the kiss of the breast and lip the suck of the kiss ~
O give me the marches of the saints on earth ~ O sanity! O Hope the witches of westwick and the dues of becoming ~
_______________________O odes of lOve
_________________________________And Bodies of Love
O ________________this way and that ~ & gendered liberties ~
and the goddess came riding to save her son on the earth ~
and this blog ~ wordpress style
__________________________ check the url_/