
'Biggest student rebellion since '68 ' 'the very fabric of ... the welfare state...'

____________________________The radio's buzzing today  ~

Len McCluskey, the newly elected leader of Unite, Britain's biggest trade union, today put himself and his union at the forefront of "an alliance of resistance" that he promised would rock the establishment and force the coalition government to step back from its plans to "decimate the very fabric of the welfare state".

He also told those briefing against Ed Miliband to desist, saying they should "get over it" and realise they had lost the Labour leadership election. He defended his union's role in securing the leadership for Miliband but said he was happy for the party to review its election rules.
He suggested figures like Lord Mandelson should leave the stage and realise "the Blairite era of free markets and neoliberalism had failed

The English students
are shaming
the French protesters of
last month

they actually have
something to lose
retirement packets
or cheap holidays
in other peoples

O to be in England Now!
(Robert Browning)

Several fires burn on the tarmac, someone gives an impromptu speech from atop a concrete wall, and a chant goes up: "Let us out! Let us out! Let us out!". I am in the middle of Britain's student revolt, and I am amazed by the high spirits of thousands of kettled children and teenagers. For my part, I can only think how cold it is. Things keep "kicking off" on the frontlines between police and protesters. Further up Whitehall, a huge crowd of kids has gathered outside the kettle. I'm told the younger kids are walking around telling the police to go fuck themselves. They're so angry, more than I can explain, about being kettled in. When asked, the sheer righteous fury they express is impressive. The slogans that occasionally start up resonate throughout the wide avenue - "they say cutback, we say fightback!", "Tory Tory Tory, out out out!", and, yes, "one solution, revolution!". The police apparently claim they've made toilets available to us. They have not. There are two cubicles outside the kettle, which may be toilets but we can't access them. We have no water or food, and we are kept warm only by the fires. But still, people sing, dance, do the hokey kokey (yeah), and chant. This resilience is fuelled by white hot anger. 

24 November, 2010


Still blocked in by police Whitehall….cold as hell…think they are planning to bore and starve us to death. Hmmm.

Realtime results for #Demo2010

  1. 99b9cdf7-6f4b-4e5a-9244-7f9b62267445_normalsharonatbectu RT @piecebypiece: RT @jeremycorbyn: If u r arrested call Legal Defence and Monitoring Group: 02078334433 or 02079110166 #dayx #demo2010
  2. Dgh_3281kieron_normalKieronMoyles RT @gracedent: RT @paul__lewis: Police horses have begun charging at protesters gathered outside the kettle#demo2010 feels dangerous
  3. Kittymouth_normaleugeniedfranval RT @JosaYoung: Teen son has just been kneed in the crotch by one policeman (1/2) #demo2010
  4. 38642a8e-34f2-4fb2-98e2-bdad4c940bd2_normalFloTom RT @oxgoth: Remember there is no such thing as a friendly chat with a cop. #demo2010 #dayx ( via @fitwatcher website)
  5. 4_normaltheonlybear Horrified at these reports about what's actually going on inside the police kettle. #dayx #demo2010
  6. Me_red_hair_normalHannahgould1 RT @BigSocietyBear: Help! I am being kettled! Can't get back to the woods so may have to shit in Whitehall #demo2010
  7. 150_normalrushmew via @socialistworker: Day X: young people show how to fight back in UK http://bit.ly/fADPIi #demo2010 #dayx @ism030@FreeEdMtl
  8. Img_4597_normalmasakepic @indiaknight RT @djhanks Wonder how 'national overhaul of police approach to demonstrators' is going?http://bit.ly/Gn7Mm #demo2010 #dayx
  9. White-background_normalmartincoles RT @paul__lewis: Just met two mothers who have come to #demo2010 after hearing their children stuck inside the kettle.
  10. Twitter_-_edited_-_22165_normalfwalloe RT @paul__lewis: Just met two mothers who have come to#demo2010 after hearing their children stuck inside the kettle.
  11. 59498f7e-7124-4819-8a49-9cfeac558101_normalMattB_UK RT @paul__lewis: Just met two mothers who have come to #demo2010 after hearing their children stuck inside the kettle.
  12. 106788300_04c64a43f4_normalmistywabbit RT @mrmatthewtaylor: Apparently students in whitehall told they cd be kettled until midnight. Many of them school kids on first protest #demo2010
  13. Websmall4_normalwotan343 RT @PenshawView: Now they're singing NWA's "Fuck the police". #demo2010 Police / Young People's relationships set back 20 years. Cheers #LibDems
  14. Penshaw_3_normalPenshawView Now they're singing NWA's "Fuck the police".#demo2010 Police / Young People's relationships set back 20 years. Cheers #LibDems
  15. Websmall4_normalwotan343 Look what's really trending: http://bit.ly/h9fXXG --


Issue: 2229 dated: 27 November 2010 News online only
posted: 9.51am Wed 24 Nov 2010 | updated: 7.19pm Wed 24 Nov 2010

Day X live coverage of student protests across Britain

Police van in Whitehall
Police van in Whitehall
In central London today
In central London today
Students from Parkside Community School, Cambridge, march out to protest against education cuts
Students from Parkside Community School, Cambridge, march out to protest against education cuts
Students from four schools gather to march to Kingston University in west London
Students from four schools gather to march to Kingston University in west London
Socialist Worker will be bringing you rolling coverage of today's student protests across Britain over education cuts and fees • Send your pics and reports toreports@ socialistworker.co.uk



130,000 +

  • NEXT NATIONAL DAY OF ACTION CALLED FOR COMING TUESDAY (30.11.10)http://tinyurl.com/382oqhj
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