since each of us was several, there was quite a crowd Here we have made use of everything that came within range, what was closest as well as fartherest awayince each of us was several, there was qince each of us was several, there was quite a crowd Here we have made use of everything that came within range, what was closest as well as fartheruite a crowdince each of
us was several there was quite a crowd Here we have made use of everything that came within range what was closest as well as fartherHere we have made use of everything that came within range what was closest as well as farther since since
Opus 13
the Website
Milant ~
Opus n°13 -
To continuously build bridges between the object o
f an intuition and that which touches us most
deeply is the most certain means of giving meaning to your thoughts.
Yes ! Skateboarding can help you understand the world.
To continuously build bridges between the object o
f an intuition and that which touches us most
deeply is the most certain means of giving meaning to your thoughts.
Yes ! Skateboarding can help you understand the world.
is it so?
so board,surf, wave, curl,
so board,surf, wave, curl,
gilles deleuze vs skateboarding
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Skateboard and Philosophy
Download English subtitles on
Skateboard and Philosophy
'cheese cheese is the broken pedlar'