Vernonique Bergen whose book about Genet was how I first came across her__writing _ and which book I was ___ I was how shall I say
Spell Bound
overwhelmed in the crude weather of my own sport
my own folly in philosophy
my ignorance and barbarism
knowing full well
Philosophy is for the lovers of wisdom
not the bastards of poetry
and its hobo arts, its nomad shareholderness
its rambling toothlessness
after all what does poetry cognitize?
poetry's the bastard wisdom of the stars
widows to the peeping Toms of
fuckabye baby on a treetop
laptop cellphone desire machines
Picture this:
It's 1977 i am there at Vincennes again
with G__L _ she is happy I am.
We are back from the south , I mean a roundabout journey to the catacombs of Rome
and other weirdo places...
I hear a lecture about
memory and Proust
as always its hazy, misty
a rain falling across the lecture room
a hustle to get it in but crackling energy
across the place... we roll our cigarettes..
Professor Deleuze speaks
of Memory and and duration.. it's w eird lecture
and my frenc h as always is split
caught between the punctures of myself
... As I listen
Iget my own memory flashes
and the Professor pounds away sweeping his vocal chords
sometimes his eyes __ weird otherworldly eyes
seem to grab you
and she too
we're grabbed
they are the lightening bulbs
of sentinent
erudition inventing itself
I hear the words
again hear them
and later
I remember my own remembering
the next day we go see a Beckett play
then on the way home
get the connecting , connecting realizing
we've made our own space connecting into the desire of our agency
our autonomy....
15 years later?
is it I see Veronique's book about Papa Genet
Now I am back here in the place
called Canada a land of immanence natureally pretending to be
a territory of conservative reterritorializations
its not
itsjust this weird northern cold
a barren pig in the western waste
weary of its own enemies and codes
its lover
(recalling then
seeing her in 87 ~ the last year
not knowing she was becoming
this philopoetic devenir )
I start Bergen's tome
but I am heartached from the
word go
so I say
come book
Go to your place
of bidding bid
your time
for my
learning read
standing the holding of its wary
this way
my own too won
to arrive
skinof the baker's horn
and this
The following is a translation of a section containing a table of the evolutions of the names of the transcendental field and the operators of differenciating liaisons from L’Ontologie de Gilles Deleuze, Véronique Bergen. Paris: L’Harmattan, 2001. 545-549.
Congratulations to Taylor Adkins
whose original translation (11/05/07) has made V. Bergen's work more available to English readers
Transcendental field, virtual
Operators of differenciating liaison
Bergsonism (1966)
Duration, virtual cone, vital plane of immanence, multiplicities
Matter (expansion), Life (contraction)
Difference and Repetition (1968)
Impersonal singularities, pre-individual field, Ideas, Aion, Thanatos, differential un-ground AND intensive spatium
spatium as differenciation of differenciation, implication, drama,
past and “dark precursor” as difference of difference
Quality / extension, species / quantity, partial form of the I and category of the Self, Explication, Present
Logic of Sense (1969)
Secondary order, metaphysical surface, cerebral of sense, of event, Thanatos, Aion, ontological problem
Nonsense, empty place, Aion, univocal being, Univocal clamor of Being as difference of difference
Tertiary order of the logical point of view (proposition) and the ontological point of view (individual, person)
Spinoza and the Problem of Expression (1969) and Spinoza: Practical Philosophy (1981)
Substance as cause in and by self, plane of immanence of nature, univocity of Being, Natura naturana
Attributes as common forms
Infinite modes (immediate and mediate) and finite modes, Natura nature
Anti-Oedipus (1972)
Surface of recording and detachment, Baphoment, BwO, Numen, death instinct, intensive continuum
BwO, Numen
A Thousand Plateaus (1980)
of consistency, of immanence, becomings, intensities, haecceities,
smooth space, “dust of the world,” inorganic life, lines of flight
Abstract machine (phylum and diagram)
Actual agency of effectuation and enunciation, strata, form and substance of content and expression, molar forms
Foucault (1986)
Line from the Outside, informal Work
Forces of power, abstract machine, diagram, strategy
Knowledge (enunciations and visibilities), forms of exteriority, strata, integration, suject as fold of the Outside
Leibniz: the Fold (1988)
Expressed world, inflexion, event
Point of view, fold, invagination, position
Inclusion, expression, monads, bodies
What Is Philosophy? (1991)
Plane of immanence (Physis and Nous), One-All
Conceptual personae as intercessors in philosophy (partial observers in science, aesthetic figures in art
Molar forms, figures and structures
Immanence: a Life (1995)
Plane of immanence, life, impersonal singularities, event, indefiniteness
Forms of object and subject, transcendences, empirical determinations
The outbreak of new problems reorients the disposition of the
transcendental, of its “schematizing” dramatization and of its actual
–problem of the apprehension of the problematic
–invention of the concept of intensive multiplicities, continuous versus discrete, metrical multiplicities set in the work of the method of intuition reshaping the transcendental space of Duration.
Difference and Repetition:
–problems of a “complex repetition,” of a “free difference” subtracted from identity, and from the rise of a “genital thought.”
–reorientation of the transcendental site in accordance with the
concept of integration/differenciation–in short, of
actualization/virtualization–via the method of dramatization.
Logic of Sense:
–problem of a conquest of surfaces as the rise of events, of sense, of thoughts.
–reorientation of the transcendental source in accordance with the
concept of the empty case as univocal Being and with a serial method of
structuralist obedience.
Spinoza and the Problem of Expression:
–problem of an anti-Cartesian structure treating the question of the
relation between the finite and the infinite, between cause and effect,
reorienting the question of true, adequate ideas.
–reorientation of the virtual site in accordance with the concept of
expression (in its ontological, epistemological and ethico-political
modalities) and the synthetic method by causation.
A Thousand Plateaus:
–problems of a typology of lines, forces and spaces composing the
real, of the rise of an “automata” thought, and of a micropolitics of
art, science, and philosophy as life.
–invention of concepts of planomenon, smooth and striated spaces, war
machine/state apparatus, tree/rhizome, semiotic regimes, ritournelles
and crystals of time.
–triple problem of enunciations and visibilities of knowledge, of forces of power and of the aesthetic becoming of the self.
–creation of concepts of a schematizing diagram of forces, of subjectivation as fold of the Outside, the death of man.
Movement-Image and Time-Image:
–problem of the apprehension of time in the cinema, passage of the
indirect image from a time subjected to movement to the direct image of
time subordinating itself to a becoming aberrant movement.
–creation of a typology of signs and images explicating this reversal of time subjected to movement in an autonomous time.
The Fold:
–problems of the emergence of the new, of the event, of the soul/body
relation, of the bond between the expressed and expression.
–creation of concepts of the fold carried to the infinite, of incompossibles and divergent series of the neo-baroque.
What Is Philosophy?
–problem of thought arranging itself to chaos.
–invention of the concept of the triple Chaoide, philosophy, art and science, of their planes, agents and operators.
Translation: Véronique Bergen’s Diagram of the Evolution of Deleuzian Concepts
In A Thousand Plateaus, abstract machine, concept, Deleuze, diagram, Difference and Repetition, French Translation, Logic of Sense, ontology, Véronique Bergen on Monday, November 5, 2007 at 4:13 am