ideas and see Balance Sheet Program for Desiring Machines __
__________ and Guattari et Deleuze 's essay/chapter Balance Sheet Program for Desiring Machines_____________________
____ It is available in Chaosophy __ Felix Guattari Semiotexte __ or in the second edition of AntiOedipus _ French edition __ its printed as a n appendix
Soon we'll discuss Dada and the machines ______________Part and whole Parts of wholes__________Pat
of hole.... not black hole
but wholesome whole as in nontotality and parts dont fit. That's dada. That's desire. . Why its cause its
break coupure. But wait duffy what's what here? More soon Anon when this good book this good blog.
And one can see in Tzara's 1918 Manifesto already the launch of dialectics and its totalizing drives. This was what disgusted Tzara the great ennui he vents against it _________________________________
______________________what were the machines dada was against ? it was against
the closure
the ism
the school
___ preventing the flow
and the machine ________________As in the Man Ray discussed by Guattari and Deleuze in the
and to see the role JuxtapOsition plays in the poesie of the dada poets especially in Tzara's which I know best but in the others too As in Arp and Hulsenbeck
________________________________ cause its a machine
but not mechanical ____________________________________
cause its like a telephone with all the parts Not compOsing a totality but something that works
and th e cover of the Phone is not greater than its parts, it a whole cover but no better but as they say in A/O its just
along side the rest __ it functions __ in this case wholes work as function and that is their 'unifiying role' but
not one that SubsuMes
the rest
__________________________ because machines / like dada parts of a poem
does not necessarily
fit but do they work
does the poem/piece work
if not does it break
Now deisring mahcines only work whgen they break
cause what works in a poem dont necessarily reflect the technical workings of real machines
_ Now do you see what I mean
We'll talk more soon demonstrating our means by what our saying in what we do as practice _____________________________> meanwhile daily life
and in awe of the events in Egypt ___________________>