Each text is 'revisted' __________________________Boom! a novel. no
vel. L
_________________________________Standing in your head.
Not same as standing IN your head.
what is a head by the way? do we really have heads?
where is your ? and bodies?
what happens if I underline a text
I am trying a lot of different fonts and various experiments in the blogs
its interesting to see what can be done
between the different templates
an' font styles
're not consistent from browser to browser ApParEntly!
Its really quite funny
funny funny as in the Funnies
funny funny as in the Funnies
as well each blog post might look different
earlier today|But today in this blog is tomorrow / or the next 'stage' 'age' of a plateau... which is a field or file one might suggest of intensity..... the text on the fictions of deleuze and guattari was inViSible!
one for sure thing: the text is there! and perty much the same! if same's the right word.
Doctor Deleuze
do you agree?
Doctor Schizoanalysis
cuts up
his scirrors
paying the rentpatting
the buttocks
(of love
of godess
He's leaning down
inclined to kiss the goddess buttocks
she wants to hold his head there