
Riccardo III (Carmelo Bene - 1981) eng-fr sub



thank you to you tuber Dagomir Rotyork  (cited below in full )  for making this work of 
Carmelo Bene available again. 
Twenty years or so back when the internet was wilder , more open  Bene's work was there for all to see.
In Times square in Picadilly to quote William Burroughs   ....
It's not the case as often these days. Deleuze wrote a number of   essays and almost manifetos
about   Bene's work. There are numerous  references  to them in thee  web
one old blog   https://carmelobene.blogspot.com/   at one point had nearly all the film versions of it posted however it looks tattered these days
<'14 Oct 2022 Riccardo III is a theatre play staged in 1977 and also edited for television and aired in 1981, which Carmelo Bene dedicated to his friend Gilles Deleuze, who wrote a book about it before even seeing it. Bene strips down the original shakesperian play to the core, rejecting plot and characters, leaving on stage only Riccardo III and his ghosts, the female characters. The TV version is characterized by an exstensive use of close-ups and strong light contrast. English subtitles by quidtum (KG), thank you! French subtitles by myself Scenes: Carmelo Bene Costumes: Carmelo Bene Director of Photography: G. Abballe RVM editing: S. Spini Music: L. Zito Actors: Carmelo Bene, L. Mancinelli, M. G. Grassini, D. Silverio, S. Javicoli, L. Morante, L. Dotti Director Assistant: A.M. Angeli/'




  One Hamlet less ..  

the method is subtraction 


One less to make a multiple possible 


