
here|ghost inthe machine

Gilles here ... ghost in the machine delirante... le tant of wander the ...spoof of radio Radio Alice the night staklers across the air waves are sacred... she mouths the words to my after grave... Spinoza talking on the wheel... it is sacred... not the disjunctions and those who want a place for themselves ... Was Plato's mist the crying disjunction of spell bound monkeys and their dare-devil leaps...? your english leaves something to be desired Felix... late via speed... the tardy tornado of desire and its marshalling ruins... Reach over a movement of the Real and find a cafe in a city sounded out by deserts.. . Radio here come in FM AM radio here the night shutting its ears its eyes only to tie down the things we speak... the restless cavern at the end of the sworn night... sounding sounding radio wave... Felix do you read me? .... come in radio... a cross the deltas and territories... . a mist tearing the terrible table down ... night and ruin... inside the piano a woman's face ... programme the millesecond towards life ... click and clinic and critical the literary machine humming its small fortitudes and guesses... Oh, your doing fine Mister Deleuze with your speak easy thoughts and lay-me down sleeps ...your rests and pauses...

Keep going ...

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