
radio deleuze hosting _ however briefly the late jdeeReader

frequenCy radio Free EurOpe Verse: of passive sentences, of object subjective moving from objec tivity to objectivity what verve whatjoy!

affirming the being of all being

the BingComing of Bing and Bang and Boing and Bright Pang BirthBright.


Jacques Derrida talks on the notion of stupidity departing from a text of Gilles Deleuze but in relation to Lacan, Freud and also Avital Ronell who is present at this seminar held in Paris for the students of the European Graduate School....

And dig this funny series of del euZionary PhotoS

A man and his hat.EverYMan His OWn Hat. Hat. Fat.

A Man and his Hat. Magpie.

of which, wherefrom a take from a ligne des molecules
