je remember mister e from le old deleuze guattari list. our father was alive then. dead. gone as was. day old guy wroted good things. hurled to sky over death .
february, 2007
Logique de la sensation
I was working on Gilles Deleuze’s concept of the « egg » this afternoon when I stumbled upon this cachet of notes I had apparently stored at the back of my copy of the 1981 edition of « Logique De La Sensation ». They revealed a series of conceptual diagrams I had made of each chapter of this amazing book.
I had totally forgotten these notes as they were part of a project I had to abandon for legal reasons.... Basically what happened was the copyright holders at Bacon’s estate turned out to be just too darn stuffy to work with.... [to darn stuff! wonder what he means by that: territorial, capitalist? money grubbers? prb. what a fashame! ) At the same time the French publisher {right on them famous friendly french publihsers was being equally difficult. Deleuze was too sick at the time to be troubled with getting his editor to open up his book (he was coming out of yet another failed lung surgery), so I had a doubly impossible situation. If I remember correctly, Deleuze threw himself out of a window to end his physical suffering just about the time I was trying to get this project off the ground, which pretty much hammered the last nail into the coffin of this project (yes, that’s an intentional bad joke, but one should always show irreverence for one’s heros ;-)||Indeed out the Window With thee Old Project| CHuck chuck out Widow Window logic and sensations and back to Frill Plateaus. O I Mean that's MOuth
South to MoUth . ....
So I moved on to other things and eventually forgot all about the 12 months I had put into this project. Until I found these little notes.