[Reader-List] relay :: [Reader-list] "Discussions about Politics and Design", Ze Dos Bois (Lisbon) September, 20-21, 2007.: "ii/ GREY WEATHER AT LA GRANDE JATTE : SEURAT VERSUS DUCHAMP. By Eric Alliez (In French) « The most important scientific mind of the 19th century, more than Cezanne, was Seurat, that died at the age of 32.' This specific affinity felt by Duchamp for Seurat will be the center of this presentation. Another important question will be the Seurat's contradictory heritage, especially in the confrontation between Matisse and Duchamp. In Modern art, there is this point that is not related to pictural Modernism but on the contrary, through forces and forms, to an archeology of the contemporary, of which Matisse and Duchamp are precisely the two fundamental paradigms.
Eric Alliez is a philosopher, professor at Middlesex University, London, since 2004. Scientific director and editor of the complete works of Gabriel Tarde (Empêcheurs de penser en rond/Le Seuil, Paris) and Gilles Deleuze, Immanence et vie (with Danielle Cohen-Levinas, Françoise Proust, Lucien Vinciguerra, PUF, Paris, 2006), creator and co-editor of the review Multitudes. His most recent books are La Pensée-Matisse (with Jean-Claude Bonne, Le Passage, Paris, 2005) and L'Œil-"