
from maNchester deleuze studies|actual virtual

i love to see the doctors ~ it's very clinical/critical ~ "one day we might look back seeing that this literature .... wa s part of the sickness'

this video was foundchez youtube Via Nettlehead



is my actual virtual virtual?


A/V is happy to offer our readers and viewers the first issue of the editorial panel’s selections from ‘The Deleuzian Event’ conference at MMU. I

Is there a practical form of Deleuzism? Is it possible to use Deleuze’s work to think about and critique ethical, moral and political judgements? I want to suggest that not only is such a critique possible it is also consistent with what Deleuze defines as the event of thought. I will develop my argument via a number of practical examples.

Practical Deleuziam is the project, this paper is entitled 'Deleuze and the Internet'