
Suidas in Philosophie 47 par André Bernold recut and c... u t t e d

This posting is the text of a cut-up I did of an English translation of Andre Bernold's obituary lament for Gilles Deleuze. It is , or was a sort of fictionalized text when it was written and philosophizes and fictionalizes in high poetic lamentation Gilles Deleuze's place in the history of philosophers. the cut-up technique is a method of re-arranging texts in several ways that often opens up latent or new perceptions in the original.


. Of the Three Testaments. The Galician, or Of Coldness, or of Galician, or Of Coldness, or Of Cruelty. Of Larvae. Of the idea cruelty. Of Larvae. Of the Idea that Watches Us. Misosophy. Of thethat Watches Us. Misosophy. Of the Egg. Of the Clear and the Egg. Of the Clear and the Obscure. Of the Universal Spider. That Obscure. Of the Universal Spider. That Every Intensity is Agonizing. Of theEvery Intensity is Agonizing. Of the Sardine. On the Question „Who?Of Sardine.

On the Question „Who? Of the Orgy. Of Nobody. on universal the Orgy. Of Nobody. On Universal Collapse. In Praise of Lucretius. Of Collapse. In Praise of Lucretius. Of the Viscera. of complication. Handbook of the Viscera. Of Complication. Handbook of torsions.

That It Is Agreeable Not Torsions. That It Is agreeable not to Explain Oneself Too Much. Of to Explain Oneself Too Much. Of the Singularities that Unsettle Us. Of the Singularities that unsettle Us. Of the Cloaca. Of the Triumph of the Cloaca. Of the triumph of Slaves. The Cloak. What Belongs to Slaves. The Cloak.What Belongs to Us Under a More Subtle Solicitation. Us Under a more subtle Solicitation. Of Absolute Depth. Of Unknown Joy. Of absolute depth. Of

Unknown Joy. seems never to have been work seems never to have been understood by anyone among philosophical folk. understood by anyone among philosophical folk. In geometry, he discovered the pulsation In geometry, he discovered the pulsation of spirals. He declared that the of spirals. He declared that the love of children for their mother love of children for their mother repeats other adult loves for other repeats other adult loves for other women.There was a multitude of women.

There was a multitude of other Deleuzes. Here is the list other Deleuzes. Here is the list of hisworks: Of the Event, of his works: Of the Event, in 34 books. Of theConstellations in 34 books. Of the Constellations that Pierce Us. Ofthe Impassability that Pierce Us. Of the Impassibility ofIncorporeals. Of Paradox and Fate. of Incorporeals. Of Paradox andFate. On the Wounds that are Received On the Wounds that areReceived While Sleeping. Symptoms. On the Demons‚ While Sleeping.Symptoms. On the Demons‚ Leap. Of Tubercules. Of the Noble Leap. OfTubercules. Of the Noble Man. On the Ugliness of the Man. On theUgliness of the Human Face. Of Idiots. Of Invisible Human Face. OfIdiots. Of Invisible Witnesses. The Prince of Philosophers. OnWitnesses. The Prince of Philosophers. On Degrees. Of the ThreeTestaments. The oedema of the feet. We read in Aristoxenes of his Weread in Aristoxenes of his Treatise on the Refrain, the daringTreatise on the Refrain, the daring of which is extreme. One furtherof which is extreme. One further finds Of the Line, and Of finds Ofthe Line, and Of Sublime Images. Proclus recopies a very SublimeImages. Proclus recopies a very obscure passage on, the virgin, theobscure passage on, the virgin, the one who never lived, beyond theone who never lived, beyond the lover and beyond the mother, wholover and beyond the mother, who coexists with the one and iscoexists with the one and is contemporaneous with the other. In the contemporaneous with the other. In the same spot, he says that everysame spot, he says that every reminiscence is erotic.

Strabo insists that reminiscence is erotic. Strabo insists that he was an astonishing geologist. With he was an astonishing geologist. With Félix he composed, aside from Against Félix he composed, aside from against Oedema, which also contains a Politics Oedema, which alsocontains a Politics and a Geography which are assuredly and a Geography which are assuredly never lived madly enough: On Strata,never lived madly enough: On Strata, that similarly includes aStrategy. That that similarly includes a Strategy. That work was thehour the hour, it was the hour of profound darkness; for there is ofprofound darkness; for there is much dread in his books. Even muchdread in his books. Even the sky suffered from its cardinal the skysuffered from its cardinal points and its constellations, he said.points and its constellations, he said. Regarding the element, muchhesitating is Regarding the element, much hesitating is permitted,for he speaks of everything permitted, for he speaks of everythingwith a rare splendor. He passionately with a rare splendor. Hepassionately loves the earth; Aratos says that loves the earth;Aratos says that he was a troglodyte. He celebrates he was atroglodyte. He celebrates the serried lines of the waters, theserried lines of the waters, and fire, according to him, is andfire, according to him, is soluble. His element nevertheless isaerial˜overhang, soluble. His element nevertheless isaerial˜overhang, suspension, and profound fall. He was suspension,and profound fall. He was also a doctor, the last to also a doctor,the last to treat medicine as an art. We treat medicine as an art.We cite two books on monsters, two cite two books on monsters, twoon wounds and the most famous, on wounds and the most famous, on theoedema of the feet. on the detested everything that diminished. Hewrote much, perhaps that diminished. He wrote much, perhaps morethan anyone else, if one more than anyone else, if one considers thedensity of his works. considers the density of his works. Even though he addressed logic and Even though he addressed logic andmorality at length, he must be morality at length, he must be placedin the ranks of the placed in the ranks of the physicists, indeed inthe first rank. physicists, indeed in the first rank. He left a textOf Nature He left a text Of Nature that Stobea ranks with those ofthat Stobea ranks with those of Heraclitus and Lucretius, andrelates an Heraclitus and Lucretius, and relates an oracle: in avery distant future, oracle: in a very distant future, nothing as great as it will nothing as great as it will have appeared, except a certain Ethics have appeared, except a certain Ethics that is notAristotle‚s. He said that is not Aristotle‚s. He said that threeanecdotes were sufficient: the that three anecdotes were sufficient:the place, the hour and the element. place, the hour and the element. His own place was to be His own place was to be found in the east.

As for found in the east. As for the hour, it the orators of his time, and the greatest of those who made a greatest of those who made a profession of teaching philosophy. He was profession of teaching philosophy. He was only understood by a small number. only understood by a small number. He was persecuted, the object of Hewas persecuted, the object of a jealousy that never abated. He aj ealousy that never abated. He disdained these miseries because of the disdained these miseries because of the joy of his life, whichwas joy of his life, which was philosophizing. Possessed of a lofty temperament, philosophizing. Possessed of a lofty temperament, he merely endured people.

But formidable he merely endured people. But formidable was his irony. His voice was was his irony. His voice was most extraordinary. Athena compares it to most extraordinary. Athenea compares it to a rasp, then to a torrent a rasp, then to atorrent of pebbles. His elocution was of of pebbles. His elocution was of an extreme distinction, a bit weary, an extreme distinction,a bit weary, the diction slow and sweet. Apollodorus the diction slow and sweet. Apollodorus compares his voice to that of compares his voice to that of a sorcerer. He was a man a sorcerer. He was a man of perfect nobility, who detested everything of perfect nobility, who Deleuze, philosopher, son of Diogenes and Deleuze,philosopher, son of Diogenes and Hypatia, sojourned at Lyon.
Pericles had pebbles to root out his stammer. His stammering rooted out the pebbles

Nothing is Hypatia, sojourned at Lyon. Nothing is known of his life. Helived known of his life. He lived to be very old, even though to bevery old, even though he was often very ill. This he was often veryill. This illustrated what he himself had said: illustrated what he himself had said: there are lives in which the there are lives inwhich the difficulties verge on the prodigious. He difficulties verge on the prodigious. He defined as active any force that defined as active any force that goes to the end of its goes to the end of its power. This, he said, is the power.

This, he said, is the opposite of a law. Thus he opposite of a law.

hus he lived, alwaysgoing further than he lived, always going further than he hadbelieved he could. Even though had believed he could. Even though hehad explicated Chrysippus, it is he had explicated Chrysippus, it isabove all his steadfastness that earned above all his steadfastnessthat earned him the name of Stoic. He him the name of Stoic. He wasone of the most remarkable was one of

orators ofhis time,

The BiG Z he shared with Zeno Zarathustra and Begzon and SpinOZa Leibniz__ ah le nez le nez~ O Nose in RevErZe
