The grandeur of Badiou is that of an elder in philosophy. He becomes more beautiful with age. His work acquires the heights, his battle driven self to ___ Utopian old Maoist
this integrity is that of greatness.
--------------philosophy is a day by day thing. so grandeur and smaller change
______________________And the
__________________________(shld. we say grand again?)
___________________________ Connections here and 'What is Philosophy....'
' ...art is always already there, addressing the thinker with the mute and
scintillating question of its identity while through constant invention and
metamorphosis it declares its disappointment about everything that the
scintillating question of its identity while through constant invention and
metamorphosis it declares its disappointment about everything that the
philosopher may have to say about it.'
Call it the humility of
_________________ Do you mean before Art comes into being?
____________________before its Event?