
quantums: possess a quantum

There are 6 Deleuze's listed in Canada 411 in the province of Ontario

||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||There is one Deluz ( Gilles Deleuze's sans E but is phonetically identical) in the province of British Columbia

In the province of Manitoba there are 5 names with a similar sound as above|||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||||| Are there provinces of naming?
Do immanences flow as names cluttering/cumbering en_cumbering jack boxes of the flow in and out?
Deluz Deluz Deluz Deluz Deluz (repeat after me LuzzLUzzz Luzzz Luzzz)
Becomes like a bee after a while

In the province of Quebec (a strangely deterritorialized (largely French speaking) space of de-immanence and trains _pullings back and forth daily between French and English _ a grand (slam) space of love and hate)

are seven names with similar forms as in the above Deluz and, Deluze (a vowel shift and displacement of the original U) , Deleze (a vowel shift to the right, with disappearance of the U) And one a first ___________Delieuze ____ (the i of delirium have pushed further right the eu of the philosopher's name). This last variant is most interesting as the first name is identical to that of the philosopher's son, Julien! Deleuze (takes after his mother Fanny, and translates from English .... French translation Julien Deleuze,
. One can speculate, probably wrongly, that this fellow being the philosopher's son wishes to live incognito carrying merely a vestige of his famed father's name. The I thus placed seems the very flame! of delire!

In the great city of Montreal _ there are two D's listed with variants as listed above,
and finally:
A Deluzé
(which rhymes
with druzy
term coined by Brian Massumi)


Les sept piliers de la sagesse

T. E. Lawrence Trad. De L'Anglais Par Julien Deleuze

Les sept piliers de la sagesse
« ... Il est vrai que me guettait toujours ce Vouloir qui attendait anxieusement de faire irruption. Mon cerveau était aussi prompt et silencieux qu'un chat sauvage, mes sens comme de la boue lui entravant les pieds, et mon moi (toujours conscient de lui-même et de sa

timidité) disant à la bête qu'il était de mauvais goût de bondir et vulgaire de se repaître de la proie. Ainsi empêtrée dans les nerfs et l'hésitation, ce ne pouvait être une chose dont avoir peur, et pourtant c'était une vraie bête, et ce livre est sa peau galeuse, séchée, empaillée et dressée à la face des hommes... »

T. E. Lawrence

EAN13 : 9782070385287
ISBN : 978-2-07-038528-7
Editeur : Gallimard
Date Parution : 23/06/1992
Collection : Collection Folio
Nombre de page : 943
Dimensions : 180 x 110 x 4
0 mm
Poids : 462 g
Code Dewey : 920


et §28 The Egg of Flow_________brea k
la vie apparaît comme un courant qui va d'un germe
ontinous dsicontin_hetero_Whted a wall a sen something is homogenous we usually regard it as continuous If weLet’s say that half have carefully painted a wall a single color it is continuously that color from end-to-end. Let’s say that halfway wall a sen something is homogenous, we usually regard it as continuous If weLet’s say tha down the wall we start lf have carefully paia new color. Then it is not continuously the same color throughout It is heterntinuously the same cogeneouPirates and REVolUTutionariesmerci merci ~
At a certain moment, in certain points of space, aAt a certain moment, in certain points of space, aAt a certain moment, in certain points of space, aAt a certain moment, in certain points of space, a n'existe pas de loi biologique universelle, qui s'applique telle quelle, automatiquement, à n'importe quel vivant. Il n'y a que des directions où la v