
1914:One or several wolves


There are no individual statements, there never

are. Every statement is
the product of a machinic assemblage, in other

words, of collective agents
of enunciation (take "collective agents" to mean

not peoples or societies
but multiplicities). The proper name (nom propre)

does not designate an
individual: it is on the contrary when the individual

opens up to the multiplicities
pervading him or her, at the outcome of the most

severe operation
of depersonalization, that he or she acquires his or

her true proper name.
The proper name is the instantaneous apprehension

of a multiplicity. The
proper name is the subject of a pure infinitive

comprehended as such in a
field of intensity. What Proust said about the first

name: when I said
Gilberte's name, I had the impression that I was

holding her entire body
naked in my mouth. The Wolf-Man, a true proper

name, an intimate first

name linked to the becomings, infinitives, and

intensities of a multiplied
and depersonalized individual. What does

psychoanalysis know about
multiplication? The desert hour when the

dromedary becomes a thousand
dromedaries snickering in the sky. The evening

hour when a thousand

holes appear on the surface of the earth.

Castration! Castration! cries the

psychoanalytic scarecrow, who never saw more

than a hole, a father or a
dog where wolves are, a domesticated individual

where there are wild multiplicities.


The Wolf-Man keeps howling: Six
wolves! Seven wolves! Freud says, How's that?

Goats, you say? How interesting.
Take away the goats and all you have left is a wolf,

so it's your
father ... That is why the Wolf-Man feels so

fatigued: he's left lying there
with all his wolves in his throat, all those little holes

on his nose, and all
those libidi-nal values on his body without organs.

The war will come, the
wolves will become Bolsheviks, and the Wolf-Man

will remain suffocated
by all he had to say. All we will be told is that he

became well behaved,
polite, and resigned again, "honest and scrupulous."

In short, cured. He
gets back by pointing out that psychoanalysis lacks

a truly zoological
vision: "Nothing can be more valuable for a young

person than the love of
nature and a comprehension of the natural

sciences, in particular


                                                         AtP 37-8

when Felix Guattari met Gilles Deleuze_________
