
_____________theE Orphanic UnConScious
you gotta a be an orphan if you wanna be me
you gotta be orphan to see me
be an orphan & we be we oui oui you tu tu ke tu ke je
think of how unhelpful police and armies are . how they occupy space. revisiting territory never leaving. each exponetial gain another wedge a foothold further into the control .

Think of the dream of Novalis: jesus on seated on a local hill. hands spread. hey friends and followers, we have no father. i too am orphaned.
_____________That is the Good News Christian! there is no PapaMonotheisitic maniac
this way you can rest assured that humans drive their own machines.
------------------------------------orphaned at the political level as well!
its not secretary of state's gonna save humans____
nor theee dead gods
but comedy
as it laughs
past human foible and stupidty!
the longeared goats'
goats are bottins
of desire
dont you you
mp3 people you itune
eyephone bumblers
you isolates
you monadic

The orphan unconscious what joy! yes the joy of the atheist unconscious wanders the rotating circumference outriding
__ not quite what Gerard M. HopKins had in mind describing meter!

bt this ladies and gentlemen is the

sous_ terrain
and not the 'purported' perfection '

perfection is for the museums...

______Peace and Love and Potatoes. Burrowing... knotting tubering...|Gilles shouts!

We’re tired of trees. We should stop believing in trees, roots, and radicles. They’ve made us suffer too much. All of arborescent culture is founded on them, from biology to linguistics,

Think of Poor Adam and Eve! and poor Satan!
all 'fallen' because of a stinky dualistic tree!

-------Ulysses and Finnegans Wake the books are city and dreamspeech . You begin where

The second danger, Clarity, seems less obvious. Clarity, in effect, concerns
the molecular. Once again, everything is involved, even perception,
even the semiotic regime, but this time on the second line. Castaneda illustrates,
for example, the existence of a molecular perception to which drugs
give us access (but so many things can be drugs): we attain a visual and
sonorous microperception revealing spaces and voids, like holes in the
molar structure.

That is precisely what clarity is: the distinctions that
appear in what used to seem full, the holes in what used to be compact; and
conversely, where just before we saw end points of clear-cut segments, now
there are indistinct fringes, encroachments, overlappings, migrations, acts
of segmentation that no longer coincide with the rigid segmentarity. Everything
now appears supple, with holes in fullness, nebulas in forms, and flutter
in lines. Everything has the clarity of the microscope. We think we have
understood everything, and draw conclusions. We are the new knights; we
even have a mission. A microphysics of the migrant has replaced the
macrogeometry of the sedentary. But this suppleness and clarity do not
only present dangers, they are themselves a danger.

there are police in philo too. in poetry too. the cutain pullers are often critics. yes, and the others. the parasistes of art. the ones that dont play. but make the others work . for the ir idea. okay its not so simple. yet it is. a weave in the carpet . more laters. lathers.