2. Six drawings by Deleuze, reproduced in Chimeres, no. 21, were part of the exhibit.
3. Concepts are not in your head: they are things, peoples, zones, regions, thresholds, gradients, temperatures, speeds, etc.
4. The border-hole and rhe margin-border are the two units of painting, among other things. The one can be understood as the territorializarion of the other, such that the other is then the deterritorialization of the one. But all of this is reversed when you walk around to the other side.
Félix Guattari — vol 1 n° 21 - Hiver 1994 - 192 pages |
Suely Rolnik, La dame en noir | |
Gilles Deleuze, Sept dessins | |
Michel Butel, Portrait d’un diable en 60 minutes | |
Charles Wolfe, Hallucination simplex | |
Félix Guattari, Tombeau pour un Œdipe | |
Club de La Borde, « Tes pierres de gué » | |
René Schérer, Subjectivités hors sujet | |
Gérard Soulier, Le philosophe est dans l’escalier | |
Nicolas Bourriaud, Le paradigme esthétique | |
Félix Guattari, Ecologie et mouvement ouvrier | |
Raymond Bellour, Les gens | |
Guy Trastour, Félix et les visiteurs | |
Anne Querrien, Cher Félix | |
Félix Guattari, Les machines architecturales de Shin Takamatsu | |
M. Elkaïm et I. Stengers, Du mariage des hétérogènes | |
Paul Virilio, Lettre à Félix | |
Pierre Lévy, Plissé fractal | |
Antonella Santacroce, Quando ti avvicinasti... | |
Claude Vivien, Fantaisie |