
terrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrbbbbbbebebebelle continued

It resumes to   ~ 

Gilles Deleuze: What it is is an interior border that echoes the exterior borders. Together they make up the difference of intensity between which everything happens and communicates: neglecting the margin and forgetting the hole; and thus they echo one another. Forgetting to paint, neglecting to paint, the canvas between inside-outside, a canvas-drum, heard as a sign of painting, an a-signify-ing sign. The hole-border is physical reality. It is Reality. Oh, what beautiful things physicists are saying these days, concerning border-phenomena and hole-noumena. We would have to be scholars to understand it. Long live Pauli, long live Fermi. But we can't understand it. So what, that's even better, we'll do the same. The hole-particles and the border-particles are in motion.

Stefan Czerkinsky: We're not finished. After you paint the canvases, you create a simple currency: from objects, verbs, gestures, materials, etc. Then you arbitrarily
establish arbitrarily equivalent relationships between the canvases and the stuff you will use as money. -
For example, I'll make a few objects or utensils: wood in cotton, like a baby doll; add metal ligatures to make cloth hands; add blue metallic plastic, beveled and split; stuff hair in the splits, cement it with clay: some of them are pretty big, and others really small. I put them all in a suitcase, a metal lunchbox, and take them to some kids playing in a public garden. They always get a kick out of them. The series and different sizes make them laugh. So then I arrange all the little family-money-objects in relation to the violet canvases. They are fetishes or key-holders for the canvas-holders, the canvas-tents, the canvas-icons. Now it makes a large circuit. You have the restricted circuit: frame-canvas-border-hole; and you have the larger circuit: its equivalence with another system of signs, i.e. the little object-utensils. Ideally, you would pay for the canvases with the little objects, and make the little objects with the canvases. You would have to steal one or the other or both at once. The question can be asked: Were my utensils and my canvases nothing but money all along? That's what's terrible: the virtuality of money.

 Paris etcetera


Michael Taormina

 Semiotexte foregin agent series